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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Interview Updates


I've decided to procrastinate against my English essay and write another post.

To whoever actually read my last post will know that last Monday (the 13th), I had an interview by an AFS worker interviewer... person... and I'm happy to say that it actually went REALLY well. I wasn't really nervous. Like, at all. I thought that she would walk in the door and I would internally freak out a little. However, I was surprisingly calm, and as far as I could tell, she believed me to be an okay person. And thankfully. The woman was really nice, though. And she said that she liked talking to me in particular, so, fingers crossed! :) She said that we should hear whether AFS U.S. has accepted me really soon, and I should know about AFS Japan by around mid-April about. Yayayayayayayyy! I'm so excited you have no idea. This has been my dream since 4th grade, no exaggeration whatsoever. My second choice is France, but Japan would literally make the rest of my life worth everything.

Anyway, this wasn't meant to be super long; I just wanted to update about the interview. I'm hoping that news comes soon!


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