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Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Host family: acquired.

Yeah, that's right. Today, in riveting, wonderful, exhilarating, summer Econ, my teacher was giving the most fascinating lecture on....

Okay, you got me. As difficult as it may be to fathom, I found the lesson to be just a tad too long and monotonous. (Everyone should note my sarcasm) Therefore, I decided that it would be a good time to mess around with my phone. Play some apps, do some stumbling, check my email.... and lo and behold, there, sitting right at the top of my inbox is an unopened email entitled (insert kanji that I have no idea what it means... except for the last one, which I know means 'man'...?). Cue heart skipping beat and a widening of the eyes. This was way better than any Fiat money Mr. Rende could possibly be talking about.

It was my host dad writing the email, and he told me that I'll be living with 8 other people and their dog. O_o The maximum number of people that I have ever shared a roof with has been 3 other people: dad, mom, and little brother. Starting mid-August, I'll have a grandmother, grandfather, little sister #1, little sister #2, little brother, mother, and father. Oh, and dachshund dog. WHAAAAAAT? That's honestly more than I had hoped for. I'm going to have SISTERS. Don't get me wrong; little brothers are great. They practically invite your abuse, they'll fight you, and they keep your girliness in check. HOWEVER. I have never had a sister and ever since I can remember I've dreamed of having one. There's so much more that I'm excited for; the list goes on and on and on and... you get the idea.

Getting a host family has finally brought to life the one that I'll be living starting this August. Hopefully I can prepare myself in time... :S

Of course, AFS was sure to send me an email later today containing some more medical forms that need to be filled out before I leave. Huzzah! -___- It's back to the doctor I go!

AHH! Okay, I'm off to do my Econ homework. I just had to put down how excited that made me, so please excuse my lameness. :P


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