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Sunday, December 16, 2012

3 and a Half Months Already...

I have a month and a half left. 

Do you know how sad that makes me? I'm actually about to cry at the end of this and it's gonna be embarrassing. Plus I hate crying in front of or with people so that'll be fun. >___> Even though I hate crying in public, unfortunately for me, I cry very easily. I think the most ridiculous thing I've ever cried at is either a Dove commercial or that one Olympics commercial where it had the moms waking up early in the morning to take their children to practice in the morning for their sport. My mom's always told me that you cry at everything after you have kids. If I ever have kids, the way I seem to be turning out, I'll be crying if I put my shoes on the opposite feet. 

ANYWAY. I'm not going to think about that for now... at least, I'll try not to. It doesn't help that AFS sends me returnee information every day of my life (slight exaggeration, if you didn't catch that). 

So anyway the 11th was my お祖父ちゃん (grandfather's) birthday. Having nine people in the same house is good and bad. Good because there's a birthday almost every month, and bad because that contributes to the food baby I get everyday that I have a feeling is going to start to turn permanent. The cakes in Japan are so pretty though that I almost don't even care. They seem like they actually had effort put into them. Also, for my お祖父ちゃん's birthday dinner, we had SUSHI which, oh my goodness, made me so happy. I spent the entire day looking forward to dinner alone. Feast your eyes:
Keep in mind that there were two of those. You can see the other one on the left so you know I'm not lying. Heaven. Deliciousness. Perfection. That is all. Sushi is definitely my favorite food, no doubt about that. Needless to say, the trays were left completely empty by the time we were through with it. I'll also quickly say that the wasabi in Japan is 20x better than the American kind. 

And now here's the cake:
Doesn't that just make you want to dance? Or eat the screen? The little oddly-cut things with the black animal on them is chocolate. The black thing on them is my prefecture's mascot, Kumamon who, in my opinion, is a little creepy unless he has his eyes closed. He's a giant black bear with these saucer-like eyeballs and it's just... interesting. I still love him since he stands for my prefecture, but it's unfortunate because I don't want to take any of his souvenirs home in case they terrify my friends and family back home. 
I digress. The cake. It was delicious. Not as delicious as the sushi, but delicious all the same. There wasn't much excitement that went on that day aside from the food. That sounds sad, but it was a good day all the same because of how normal it was. Know what I'm saying? It was just a night where everyone celebrated お祖父ちゃん (grandpa)'s birthday. :)

Yaaaaay okay onto Saturday. Saturday, while my family went to the mall together by car I.... also went to the mall. By bike. 7 kilometers so it wasn't totally awful (most of it was downhill anyway), but it's not something I'd like to do on a daily basis. Plus, oh my.. it was so humid. Dx So anyway, we (the 3 friends I met at the mall and myself) ate at the food court first since two of us were hungry and I don't function without food. Everyone back home will be surprised to hear that I've had McDonald's twice so far. And it's all been meat!

After shopping around for a bit (Japanese shopping = <3) my friend's mom came to pick us up and take us to the skating rink. It was pouring, so thank God for her. It seems like the sky likes to rain on Saturdays, and Saturdays only....

Skating was a blast. And excuse me for possibly sounding lame when I typed that, but it was. One of my friends went home because she had to, but the other two that went with were so cool about it even though they hadn't skated in years. One of the boys in my class was there too... alone. I think he was secretly glad when we showed up. We skated around for about two and a half hours (or three, can't remember). There weren't any ridiculously good 11-year-olds there today so whenever I did a spin or a jump, everyone there was staring at me. Not only do I not look Japanese, but there I am, twirling and jumping around so... yeah. At one point, one dude tried videotaping me while I spun. When I saw what he was doing I got too embarrassed to do anything so, much to his dismay, I ran (skated?) off. A few young kids came up to me a few times to tell me how good I was... which, in case anyone is wondering, I'm not. I mean, I'm not awful but I'm not anywhere near a regional competition, much less national or the Olympics. But this isn't a blog about my skating ability!

After skating (we left around 6, and that boy stayed until 7... he was there for five hours. O.O) my friend's mom drove us back to the mall (bless her giant heart), and my host dad ended up picking me and my bike up (bless his giant heart too). It was pouring, so I didn't really object. If it hadn't been I would've totally ridden my bike home. Plus, I'd forgotten my rain coat thing-y at home...

Today was pretty low-key. I cleaned my room in the morning because a) it needed it and b) my host family's former semester kid is coming to visit on the 23rd. That took a surprisingly long time, considering my room is pretty little, but it got done, and I'm happy. This is a really boring paragraph so far, I'm sorry. 

At around 1, my host father, youngest sister and I went to go fly kites since apparently in Japan (at least around here), around the New Year, you fly kites. It also helped that today was around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I could've walked around in a tank top! Kyushu has very odd winters...

Kite-flying was alright. I got one really good one and then, since I'd let out a lot of the string, I ended up with a giant wad of tangled string. I spent a good 20 minutes working on it, gave up, and then my host mom came and finished unknotting it. 

That was pretty much the excitement that happened today. I just realized I didn't really take any pictures. :/ I'm thinking I'll start just taking pictures of my dinner most nights so you can see what my diet is like (be warned, I'm pretty sure my host family eats more からあげ [fried food] than most families).

I'll leave you with a picture I took in October (I think):
And my usual


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