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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Whales.

I haven't had a real bento since last Monday and it feels relatively weird.... There was testing all last week except for Monday so I got out of school early every day. Waaaaahhhhhhh! :) Last time we had testing it had only lasted for three days and then Friday we had class. So it's Thursday last week and I'm all like, "Yaaay for you guys! You're tests are over!" And my friend just goes, "Nope, we have them tomorrow too." Doing the utmost. Tests at my school back home are never more than three days. Seriously. Four days of testing and I'd be dead, I don't know how everyone here does it.

So aside from a fun trip after school to a Joyfull nearby (a chain restaurant that serves surprisingly good food...), once again, my town was devoid of anything worth mentioning. Joyfull was on Tuesday I believe. I went with Andres and ended up eating too much. As usual. For anyone back home that thought I would lose weight here, WRONG. So wrong, and I wish you hadn't been. I'm pretty sure I've gained a pretty substantial amount while I've been here because of all the delicious food that has been surrounding me. But hey, I figure I'm in Japan, so I may as well eat as much of the delicious food that's here while I can since I won't be able to in two months.

TWO MONTHS. That's another thing that happened recently. Well, not that in particular but I've officially been with my host family for 100 days and I've been gone from home for 102. Say whaaaaaaaat? The first week I was here I remember thinking that I'd never get here, and yet here I am. I don't even know where time has gone while I've been here. It's so easy to waste a day or to take it for granted and I realize that now. Look at me, trying to be all poetic. And failing. And if you decide to do this too, you'll probably have the urge to spew poetic verses like it's a hobby. It's great.

My one interesting thing that probably deserves some mention is what I did yesterday. There's this Christmas lights show/display thing that my host family had been talking about for like a month beforehand and we FINALLY went yesterday. I totally wasn't ready for it though. Like, they told me the day of and then let me know we were leaving about 15 minutes before. Thank god it was the one day on the weekend that I took the initiative earlier that day to actually change out of my pajamas before 12 o'clock. We drove for about half an hour and then had to wait in line (in the car; this was all seen in the comfort of our warm 'box') for about fifteen minutes. The displays were all pretty awesome, I must say. However, it was a little odd seeing Christmas lights in Japan since I don't normally associate Christmas outings with Japan. Nevertheless, I got to see this stuff, so it's all good:

Yeah, I'm not quite sure what a giant (and by giant, I mean MASSIVE) whale has to do with Christmas, but they had a whole bunch of miscellaneous scenes made out of lights. I saw a Little Mermaid one, even.

As we were leaving we noticed that the line of cars waiting to get in had grown considerably. There were cars going back at least a mile if not a mile and a half waiting to see these things. You could have almost saved yourself the trouble of waiting and just drive up and down the street looking at the car lights, as my host sister cleverly put it.

I also got a package from my mom back home yesterday with candy and STICK DEODORANT. I haven't seen stick deodorant yet, so I made it clear that I was going to need some or Japan would be in for an awful treat in odor form. She also sent me Poptarts (blueberry) and I decided that since I can eat them as much as I want when I go home, I'd give them to my host family to try. Apparently I won't need to share them that much because most of my host family found them too sweet. The only one that really seemed to like them was the older of my two host sisters. And since she someday wants to study abroad in the States, it's probably a good sign that she likes processed food like that. :)

Today I took it upon myself to go downtown all alone (yup, I'm sad) because I decided that I couldn't wait any longer to read The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. And buy it I did. I was so ridiculously happy. Not only because I got the book, but because I somehow managed to go downtown and get home by myself without getting lost a single time. HUZZAAAAHHHH.

Yeah. That's my interesting week. I apologize if anyone's been checking in to see if I've had any more adventures like the one when I went to 四国 (Shikoku) or something. I have a feeling I'll have another one of those at some point before I leave. Plus applying for college scholarships has been forcing me to cut these a bit shorter than I'd like. >___> ANYWAY, I'll see all of y'all sometime this week or next Sunday. Or whatever day it is when you read this.


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